Dear Capable, Intelligent, Five,
I’m going to be lovingly blunt with you about a few things.
First, You’re not always right. Nor do you need to be. You’re not perfect. Nor do you need to be. You can be in progress, figuring things out. You NEED to be in progress and allow yourself to both act while also learning, implementing what information you’ve obtained along the way. We need you to be in progress, but to act at the same time. There is grace for things you don’t feel like you’re doing perfectly. We don’t need you in a perfect state, or your version of ready. We need you present, willing to risk for yourself and others.
Oh precious, capable Five, please dare to act, to risk the fact that you don’t think that, whatever it is, you’re ready for something just yet. Take the risk, even if you don’t have all the information you think you need to make it go perfectly.
Second, It’s also okay for you to have needs. One of your fears may be that your needs are a burden to others. But please allow me to ask you a question. For someone you care for deeply, are you willing to give of your precious reserved time and resources? Isn’t there a weight you experience when, to help someone else, you give some of that energy you’ve saved, to care for them with something you’ve reserved for a specific situation you still see coming? Doesn’t that feel like a certain weight?
Please allow me to lovingly express that, needs, from anyone, whether yours or someone else’s, while it does carry a weight to it, does not mean it’s a burden we’re unwilling to share.
So, your need is the same. Your need carries a weight with it as all needs do. But, and please hear me, your need is not a burden. From those of us that love you, we want you to know that we are willing to carry that weight and meet your need. We choose to bear that weight, to meet you where you’re at and carry it with you. So while yes, it is a weight, as most actions of love can be and as all of our needs are, we still choose to care for you. We choose to care for your need, to meet your need. Because we love you. YOU are not a burden. You come with some burdens you bear on your own, but we will gladly bear them with you.
I encourage you to pause real quick, and read Galatians 6:1-6.
Now, please allow me point out a few things.
Vs. 2- As a community, a body of Christ, we are here to share your burden. You may feel like you have to do it all on your own. You don’t. Your community is there and you are meant to allow them to help you carry your burdens. You aren’t meant to do it independently.
Vs. 3 and 4- One of your challenges as a five, is that you see larger picture items and circumstances. You see how things work together for the larger good. But in doing so, sometimes you become arrogant, and sometimes prideful that you’re right. I encourage you, continue to be a learner. I challenge you to challenge yourself to pause and hear someone else’s perspective and mindset, even if what they’re saying doesn’t line up with what you know. You may not agree with what they have to say, they may not even be right, but by pausing and listening to what they have to say anyway, you will have invested in them as a person. And THAT is better and far more beneficial than you being perceived by them as “right” or having all the exact answers, because you get to build relationship.
Vs. 5- You do still have to carry your own load and responsibility. While you do need other people, and it’s okay to need them, you are also still responsible for your own things. You still have to act on the amazing things you think about and are gifted with. And, I would challenge you that you need to act on more of them, sooner.
You have your own weight to bear, yes. So bear it well. Don’t spend all your time trying to get it to perfect, to enough knowledge. Instead act, try. Try before it’s too late and you miss out.
A Two Who Loves you